
Who We Are

Welcome to CPEU, your premier Certified Partner in EUrope, your great Certified Products in EUrope, where the intersection of excellence and innovation sets the standard. Established in 2010 by Kurt from Belgium and Angela from China, CPEU represents the harmonious fusion of diverse cultures and unparalleled expertise.

With a collective passion for excellence driving our endeavors, we have cemented our position as trailblazers in the global marketplace. Our journey spans over a decade, during which we've meticulously crafted a reputation for reliability, integrity, and transformative solutions.

At CPEU, we thrive on diversity, embracing a vast spectrum of industries and sectors. From chocolate to beer, electronics to industrial behemoths, milk- and baby powder to haute desserts, our portfolio is as eclectic as our clientele. We refuse to confine ourselves within boundaries, seamlessly navigating the complexities of any challenge that comes our way.

Our core ethos revolves around bridging divides—be it cultural, administrative, or linguistic. For over 25 years, we've been the catalysts for connection, facilitating seamless interactions between companies, local and national governments, and individuals. Through our unwavering dedication, we've cultivated an extensive network of contacts within China, spanning both governmental spheres and thriving business communities across Greater China and Europe.

At CPEU, we don't just adapt to change; we drive it. Our commitment to innovation is woven into the fabric of everything we do, propelling our clients toward new heights of success and prosperity.

Welcome to a world where boundaries blur, possibilities abound, and excellence reigns supreme. Welcome to CPEU—where diversity is celebrated, challenges are conquered, and partnerships flourish.

Our companies:

1.CPEU Commv (in Belgium)



2.De Feniks(Shenzhen) Trading Co., Ltd (in China mainland)


3.De Feniks enterprise co., Limited (in China Hongkong)


Our Mission

Our Mission at CPEU is to serve as the catalyst for global connectivity and prosperity, fostering mutually beneficial relationships between Europe and China. We are dedicated to bridging cultural, administrative, and language barriers, facilitating seamless collaboration and exchange between businesses, governments, and individuals.

Driven by a passion for excellence and innovation, we aim to exceed the expectations of our clients by providing tailored solutions that address their unique needs and challenges. We strive to be the trusted partner of choice, recognized for our integrity, reliability, and commitment to delivering results.

Through our extensive network of contacts and deep understanding of both European and Chinese markets, we aim to empower our clients to navigate the complexities of international business with confidence and success. Our mission is to create value and opportunity for all stakeholders, driving sustainable growth and prosperity for generations to come.

Our Approach

Our Approach at CPEU is rooted in a holistic understanding of our clients' needs, coupled with a proactive and adaptable mindset. We believe in a personalized approach that begins with listening intently to our clients, understanding their goals, challenges, and unique circumstances.

From there, we leverage our extensive expertise and deep industry knowledge to craft innovative solutions tailored to each client's specific requirements. Our approach is characterized by:

  1. Collaboration: We believe in working closely with our clients as trusted partners, fostering open communication and collaboration every step of the way.

  2. Strategic Thinking: We take a strategic approach to problem-solving, analyzing the intricacies of each situation and developing comprehensive strategies that deliver tangible results.

  3. Flexibility: In a rapidly evolving global landscape, we understand the importance of being agile and adaptable. We are quick to pivot and adjust our approach as needed to address changing circumstances and seize emerging opportunities.

  4. Integrity: Integrity is at the core of everything we do. We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our interactions, ensuring transparency, honesty, and trustworthiness.

  5. Results Orientation: Ultimately, our goal is to deliver measurable results that exceed our clients' expectations. We are committed to driving value and achieving success for our clients, guided by a relentless focus on outcomes.

Get in Touch

We value your partnership and always welcome the opportunity to connect with you. Whether you have questions, feedback, or are interested in exploring new possibilities together, we're here to listen.

Feel free to reach out to us at any time via phone, email, or the contact form below. We look forward to hearing from you and continuing to exceed your expectations.